potatoes are great
Almost everyone likes at least one type of food made with potatoes.
it can be fries
potato chips
or even just boiled potatoes
Potatoes have given us many wonderful memes
Who is the most powerful potato?
Darth Tater.
The history of potatoes
Potatoes like most plants were domesticated by humans to better fit our needs but potatoes were the first to be domesticated.
In what today is southern peru and in the northwestern parts of Bolivia is where the potato was first domesticated circa 8000 to 5000 BCE.
Potatoes were first taken to Europe by the spanish conquistadors around the late fifteen hundreds.
When potatoes were first brought to sweden the man who brought them, Jonas Alströmer got the title of the swedish potato king and he had a statue of him placed in the city of Göteborg.
Fun potato facts
A normal potato is 80% water.
In 1974, an Englishman named Eric Jenkins grew 168 kg of potatoes from one plant.
Potato blossoms used to be a big hit in royal fashion. Potato flowers first became fashionable when Marie Antoinette paraded through the French countryside wearing potato blossoms in her hair.